Centacare Bathurst’s important work is only made possible with thanks to the generous support of State and Commonwealth governments, businesses, sectors of the Catholic Church and individual donors. This support allows us to provide quality services to families and communities of the Central West and Orana regions of NSW.
Commonwealth Government
Department of Social Services
Attorney-General’s Department
National Indigenous Australians Agency
Services Australia
Department of Education
NSW State Government
Department of Communities and Justice
Brotherhood of St Laurence
CatholicCare Sydney
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst
Catholic Diocese of Bathurst
Individual donors
Fee for Service programs and events
We’ve been working in the local community since 1988 offering a range of support for individuals, families, and the community. Centacare Bathurst has established a strong footprint in rural and remote communities within our region, creating key relationships and networks with local agencies, health care and mental health care services, Elders and community leaders.
Need to talk ? Call 1300 619 379 or Contact Us